What is the CPT code for injection through tympanic membrane into ear space

 The patient was injected with gentamycin transtym-panically through the anterior tympanic membrane of the mid-dle ear space. She was placed in the nose up position for 20 minutes and discharged without incident. Does code 69801, Labyrinthotomy, with or without cryosurgery including other nonexcisional destructive procedures or perfusion of vestibuloactive drugs (single or multiple perfusions); tran-scanal, appropriately describe this procedure?

Yes, code 69801 is the appropriate code to report. The transtympanic perfusion of drugs procedure is a
nonexcisional destructive procedure of the labyrinth in which vestibuloactive drugs are perfused transtympanical-ly. Code 69801 includes all instillations that occur during the surgical period as well as evaluation and management services. Diagnostic tests such as audiograms to monitor hearing are not included. Typically, multiple instillations are done over several weeks, eg, three days in succession
then weekly for three to four additional weeks. Sometimes this is done with a needle through the (anesthetized) eardrum, others use a special device in the drum, and others insert a tube and place the ear drug through its lumen.


1 comment:

  1. What is the global period for IT injection 69801? What code to use for 4 injections over 10 days, using the same incision? Thanks.
