CPT Codes for Computer Navigation for Musculoskeletal Procedures

CPT has three add-on codes (20985, 20986, and 20987) to report computer navigation for muscu-
loskeletal procedures. The new codes are differentiated by lack of reliance on an image (20985) and for image- based guidance whether the image is obtrained preopera- tively (20987) or intraoperatively (20986). Codes 20986 and 20987 are followed by instructional parenthetical notes that indicate that these codes are reported one time only, regardless of the number of imaging modalities used to obtain the navigation information. Stereotactic com- puter-assisted navigation of the spine is reported with code
61795. Intraopera-tive imaging is not reported separately.

✚20985 Computer-assisted surgical navigational proce-dure for musculoskeletal procedures; image-
less (List separately in addition to code for pri-mary procedure)

✚20986 with image guidance based on intraoper-atively obtained images (eg, fluoroscopy, ultrasound) (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

✚20987 with image guidance based on preoper- ative images (List separately in addition
to code for primary procedure)

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    Medical Coding
